Minggu, 17 Maret 2019


Moslems youth have to watch this movie!; A journey of sacrifice and sincerity K.H. Ahmad Dahlan to fix Islam and educational aspect in Indonesia on movie “Sang Pencerah” (The Enlightenment)

Sang Pencerah (2010)

A very inspirational movie to all moslems youth in Indonesia about a figure which affected the Islam renewal in java land and also his thoughts were able to brought Indonesia to a brighter age through his movement in educational fairness for citizen. There were many borders that coloured his struggle for ummah welfare. But all of his effort weren’t useless due to the fact what his done could make a great results and we could be feel the benefits until now.

The main strory of the movie is about the biography of K.H. Ahmad Dahlan, it was released on idul fitri month year 2010. This movie is directed by famous director Hanung Bramantyo. He could well pack this movie through emotional scenes touch and nice sounds arrangement, so it could increase audience feeling to get in on the movie without break a sense that has religious atmosphere.

Play Sang Pencerah Trailer 2010

Why Moslems youth have to watch this movie? That is because you can learn a study about life that contained on it. However, there is 3 main message on this film, those are:

1. The role of K.H. Ahmad Dahlan to puring Islam from the perverted understanding that has been practiced by civilians.
The understanding of Syekh Siti Jenar has been stick to the civilian’s heart in Kauman, Jogjakarta which also being a home leaving of  K.H. Ahmad Dahlan. That understanding, teach the civilian to disguise king into god, and the king’s order likely god’s order, in addition, combined the rituals outside of Al-Qur’an and Al-Hadits so it makes the civilians trapped on a stupidness. The narrow thought of religion figure which obedient with kingdom’s rules can’t be use and make the civilian lack to fight the tyranny by Holland politics through tanam paksa. But when the K.H. Ahmad Dahlan was chosen as khatib in Masjid Besar Kauman, the mindset of civilian start to change better and they want to follow how Islam practiced by Al-Qur’an and Al-Hadits.

2. A movement of educational fairness in Indonesia.
On that age, the exact knowledge were preferred just to conglomerate and Holland people so the ordinary civilian can’t develop their thought, either. The consciousness of K.H. Ahmad Dahlan about education was pushed him to joint with conglomerate and Holland people—which has a stigma like to do a dance and drinking alcohol—to teaching how that school formed and worked. However, when the civilian know that he joint with them, he got a new call as Kyai Kafir. In the end that obstacles could be passed by him and then he success to build a school termed madrasah iftidaiyah diniyah also have good students by middle to lower class children.

3. Forming organization as a place to do social activity and religion
The basic thought of H.H Ahmad Dahlan to make a group or organization cited in surah Al-Imran verse 3 which sounds “Dan hendaklah diantara kamu segolongan umat yang menyeru pada kebajikan, menyuruh pada yang ma’aruf dan mencegah dari yang munkar; merekalah orang-orang yang beruntung”. The vision of his organization named by him as Muhammdiyah is to give a place to him and his followers to do a kindness together.
Lukman Sardi berperan sebagai K.H. Ahmad Dahlan

Islam is not a narrow religion. This film could open the Moslem youth in order to accept a modernity to an ummah kindness. In the right hand as K.H. Ahmad Dahlan thought if we want to learn so we have to make a good mind, even with non-moslem people, open thought but still has a filter to choose the informations at the end. This film is really precious to be passed by young people, mainly Moslems youth.


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